还有几天就是美国大学的早期申请的截止日期,11月1日,为我繁忙的季节。文书里面最重要的就是要写出你的passion,这个很难,有些同学可能还不知道自己对什么感兴趣或拥有passion, 很多时候这是只有自己才能体会出来的东西。那么什么是passion呢?让我举个例子,你读完后可能会说这就是passion。
下面这段话取自土尔其裔美国诺贝尔奖得主Aziz Sancar的回忆录,他是UNC教授和耶鲁前博后,他因为发现DNA修复的机制而获得了2015的诺贝尔化学奖。他拥有传奇的人生,早年在土耳其最好的医学院毕业后,他拿政府奖学金去霍普金斯大学求学,但是因为英语太差和他对土耳其国家的过份认同,使他在美国格格不入。他只学了一年半就只有卷铺盖走人,他是后来重返美国才在达拉斯得的博士。
Aziz Sancar的回忆录很长,为我要求学生精读的数百篇文章之一,我在读他的这段话时印象深刻。在做出重大的科学发现和文章已经投稿后,他乘飞机去秘鲁演讲,他对太太说,即使现在飞机撞安第斯山脉,自己死了,他死时也是一个高兴的人。
“Personally, this is the most satisfying accomplishment in my lab in the last decade, and to Turkish colleagues I refer to it as “My Piri Reis Map.” Piri Reis was a Turkish admiral and cartographer who drew the world map in 1513 with a level of accuracy unrivaled by any other cartographer of his period. He is revered by Turks as a great scientist, arguably the last great scientist of the golden age of so-called “Islamic Science.” After submitting the paper describing this result, I went on a lecture tour of Peru and told Gwen that “if my plane hits the Andes and I die, I will die a happy man.”